This Sophie Laloy film tells the story of two childhood friends that end up sharing a flat when Marie (Judith Davis) comes to the city to continue his piano education. Emma lives alone after her father died and her mother disappeared, so she takes Marie in and slowly starts to set the rules for the everyday living. But Marie coming from the country and being more naïve starts to open sexually and is fascinated by a more cosmopolitan Emma. As both start to fool around Emma takes the attraction more seriously while Marie don’t and continues to experience with men, who ultimately does not totally satisfy her as her true passion is playing the piano. This is a simplistic way to try to explain what happens in this story as slowly very slowly situations escalate and in my opinion the dominant and the passive roles are exchanged several times as the story unravels. You really have to see what I call a cat and mouse relationship where the cat sometimes is the mouse and vice versa.
For those that understand French I’m sharing what Laloy says about her intentions with the movie, which by the way is inspired by her own life experiences.
"Je voulais faire un film sensuel, filmer les peaux, les pieds, les mains, les cheveux. La sexualité est complètement liée à cette histoire. L'envie de découvrir le sexe pour Marie est forte, décuplée par le fait qu'il lui soit interdit par Emma. Entre les deux filles s'opère un effet de vases communicants, Emma découvre une sexualité chez Marie, et en est influencée, elle commence à la voir comme un objet de désir. Marie accepte d'avoir une relation sexuelle avec Emma, sans l'assumer. Sa force par rapport à Emma est d'avoir des relations sexuelles à l'extérieur, et donc de pouvoir la faire souffrir."
Yes, this is a very sensual and erotic film… and very-very great French cinema too.
As a movie is spectacular with the most unbelievable good music score with music from Ravel, Schumann and Bach; and score excerpts that totally complement whatever is happening in the screen. Absolutely gorgeous! Tech specs are excellent, especially great darkish cinematography for indoors that intensifies the manipulative moments. But almost perfect performances by Le Besco and Davis are what really will blow your mind.
It is hard to believe that this film is the debut film of Sophie Laloy who has a long list of films where she worked in the sound department. Now is easy to understand why the sound and music in this movie are outstanding, but definitively she excels with her directing and storytelling skills.
I love this movie and I strongly recommend it to those that love French cinema with excellent tech specs and gorgeous music score. Even if you do not particularly enjoy the lesbian interest genre, I know that you will enjoy the film and perhaps the story. For those that like the lesbian interest genre, this is a Must Be Seen movie but remember that is very French cinema so the story will not look or feel like the regular films in the genre.
Big Enjoy!!!
Watch trailer @ Movie On Companion
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