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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Films for the 11 to 15 Years Old - Update 2

As the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) closes we find new films targeted for kids and teens. Most interesting is finding that the fest has in the past and will continue to release DVD's with movies from the fest.

If you're interested in learning about the films, checking the available DVD's and read about the Generation Section of this year's festival, please go here.

-end of update 2-

Recently we got an email from a mother asking us for websites where she could find reviews/recommendations about films for kids in those ages. We answered that we did not know of such sites, but we know about festivals with awards for films targeted to those ages.

The age range is a difficult one as parents still want to control what their children watch and children are starting to develop their own individuality, consequently start to look for what they want to watch.

Nevertheless I liked the idea to have one post -that could be a constant work in progress, especially with blog readers help- to list movies and/or link to sites with films that parents can watch with their children because someone said they are targeted to those ages. The last is the difficult part as always parents should read what the movie is about, check the trailer and read a few reviews before considering if whatever we list here is suited for their own children.

To start this post here is one links where interested parents can look for films names, read about the films and then look for trailers and more info.

Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus at the Berlin Film Festival. To check the 2009 Crystal Bear award winners feature films and shorts go here. Browse the site for films from previous years.

Most of the films are not American and some definitively are arty, but I suggest parents not to be scare off; after all I was lucky enough to start watching great movies when I was in those ages and also learned to read subtitles at a very early age which makes a lot easier to read them when you’re an adult.

26th Annual Chicago International Children's Film Festival - October 22 to November 1, 2009

Check all the films in this festival here and browse the fest site (and previous years films) here.

Film Festival World - Children's Film Festivals - To check many festivals targeted to children go here.

We will highly appreciate if any of the blog readers knows about a website, film, source of info, etc. to please leave the information as a comment or email us.

I will create a direct link to the post in the second column for easiest access.


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