Feature Films
Alegria (Joy), Marina Meliande and Felipe Bragança, Brazil
(*) All Good Children, Alicia Duffy, Ireland, Belgium and France
Alting Bliver Godt Igen (Everything Will Be Fine), Christoffer Boe, Denmark, Sweden and France
(*) Año Bisiesto, Michael Rowe, Mexico
(*) Benda Bilili!, Renaud Barret and Florent de la Tullaye, France and Congo (documentary)
(*) La Casa Muda (The Silent House), Gustavo Hernandez, Uruguay
Cleveland vs. Wallstreet – Mais mit dä Bänkle, Jean-Stephane Bron, Switzerland and France (documentary)
Des Filles en Noir, Jean-Paul Civeyrac, France
(*) Ha'Meshotet (The Wanderer), Avishai Sivan, Israel
Illégal, Olivier Masset-Depasse, Belgium, Luxemmbourg, and France
Svet-ake (The Light Thief), Aktan Arym Kubat, Kyrgyzstan
(*) En waar de sterre bleef stille staan (Little Baby Jesus of Flandr), Gust Van den Berghe, Belgium
La Mirada Invisible (The Invisible Eye), Diego Lerman, Argentina, France, and Spain
(*) Picco, Philip Koch, Germany
Pieds nus sur les Limaces (Lily Sometimes), Fabienne Berthaud, France
Le Quattro Volte (The Four Times), Michelangelo Frammartino, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland
Shit Year, Cam Archer, USA
(*) Somos Lo Que Hay (We Are What We Are), Jorge Michel Grau, Mexico
Tiger Factory, Woo Ming jin, Malaysia and Japan
(*) Todos vós sodes capitáns, Oliver Laxe, Spain
(*) Two Gates of Sleep, Alistair Banks Griffin, USA
(*) Un Poison Violent (Love Like Poison), Katell Quillevéré, France
(*) Films competing for the Caméra d'Or
Special Screenings
Stones in Exile, Stephen Kijak, UK (documentary)
Boxing Gym, Frederik Wiseman, USA (documentary)
Short Films
Cautare (Quest), Ionut Piturescu, Romania
Ett tyst barn (A Silent Child), Jesper Klevenas, Sweden
Licht, Andre Schreudders, Netherlands
Mary Last Seen, Sean Durkin, USA
Petit Tailleur, Louis Garrel, France
Shikasha, Hirabayashi Isamu, Japan
Tre Ore (Three Hours), Annarita Zambrano, Italy
ZedCrew, Noah Pink, Zambia and Canada
To check the list go here.
The official site doesn't have info on films yet. The complete catalog is here.
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