One comment, to write what’s on in Cannes daily I follow the official schedule if they make changes it does not matter as what I’m really doing is sharing my thoughts about each film.
Official Competition: Two movies that have to watch. First Takeshi Kitano’s Outrage with more violence that I could wish for, but he’s going back to his roots. Second, one of the three movies that really call my attention from the whole festival: Biutiful by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu (another will be screened tomorrow and I bet/hope that Juliette Binoche will win the Best Actress award, especially after watching today the arte interview). To not repeat myself about Biutiful please go to the VERY Serious notes section of this post.
Special Screenings: Countdown to Zero by Lucy Walker and La Meute (The Pack) by Franck Richard, the last moved to in-theater screening due to mature audiences rating in France!!!
Un Certain Regard: JL Godard latest oeuvre that I’m sure will be a visually ‘strange voyage’ Film Socialism plus also the latest from Pablo Trapero, Carancho. Both films are must be seen for me.
Cannes Classics: Three films, 1964 La 317e Section by Pierre Schoendoeffer, 1989 La Campagne de Ciceron by Jaques Davila and one restored film that everyone should see eve if we have seen it before (several times) 1979 Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) by Volker Schlondorff.
Cinema de la Plage: A ‘film surprise’! Later we will learn what the surprise is all about.
Quinzaine: Three films that I’m still unsure about them. Año Bisiesto by Michael Rowe; Alting Bliver Godt Igen (Everything Will Be Fine) by Christoffer Boe, and Ha'Meshotet (The Wanderer) by Avishai Sivan.
Semaine de la Critique: Again today Copacabana! From the competition The Myth of the American Sleepover by Robert David Mitchell and the short film The Boy Who Wanted to be a Lion.
The VERY Serious notes
I’ll admit that I’m extremely curious about Biutiful and while watching the press conference –that has too many spoilers that hope will forget when finally able to watch the film- I’m getting even more curious as I’m listening to words like “intense”, almost no dialogue (excellent!), lots of ‘emotion’ (superb!) and Bardem doing the minimum and transmitting the most (awesome –as always-). I’m getting tired (in a good way) from listening to what they say… if the film is really intense (surely is) the press conference totally transmits the intensity. Gonzalez Iñarritu words: “sordid poetic photography” Ouch!! To summarize: Must be seen film for me, even before watching the very seriously-dark press conference. I dare you to watch the video here. One last comment, from what I feel and think after hearing the press conference, I would NOT be surprised if Javier Bardem wins the best actor award. Gosh I’m exhausted as the very first thing I did today was watching this video. Have to take a break to continue.
The NOT so Serious notes
Not many positive reactions to Takeshi Kitano's Outrage, but seems everyone forgot the director roots; so, will not be a film for everyone.
Can't stop reading about Biutiful that has been praised all over... except American critics/buyeres/etc. This only confirms that the film is not as commercial as Gonzalez Inaritu's previous films - great! One American news woman says that the 'expensive' film (about US$45 million) has to find a buyer and she doubts will get one for America. If happens, I really hope the film excels in the big European markets and hope that eventually I can watch it at a movie theater near me, this one have to watch it for the first time in the big screen and the following times (yep seems will be a multiple times watching film) in the privacy of my own home where I can feel free to cry as much as I want.
Today photo from yesterday, Isabelle Huppert.

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