In Competition
Meek's Cutoff, Kelly Reichardt, USA (I'm curious about this film, with Michelle Williams)
Di Renjie Zhi tongtian Diguo (Detective Dee and the Mystery of Phantom Flame), Hark Tsui, China (with Tony Leung Ka Fai, maybe will not like the story but I like the actor)
Post Mortem, Pablo Larraín, Chile, Mexico and Germany (probably will be as hard as Tony Manero but I'll watch)
Out of Competition
1960 by Gabriele Salvatores, Italy
Niente Paura - Come Siamo Come Eravamo e le Canzoni di Luciano Ligabue by Piergiorgio Gay, Italy (documentary)
Controcampo Italiano
20 Sigarette by Aureliano Amadei
Il Loro Natale by Gaetano Di Vaio (documentary)
Come Un Soffio by Michela Cescon (short film with Valeria Golino - out of competition)
Cara Cremada by Lluis Galter, Spain
En El Futuro by Mauro Andrizzi, Argentina
El Sicario Room 164 by Gianfranco Rosi, France and Italy (a documentary about ex-commander of the state police in Chihuahua that became a very successful hit man... hmm)
Many Short Films
Vacanze di Natale by Carlo Vanzina, 1983
Le Pillole di Ercole by Luciano Salce, 1960 (think have seen it... have I? with Vittorio De Sica, Sylvia Koscina)
Fiebre da Cavallo by Stefano Vanzina, 1976 (oh! Catherine Spaak!)
Venice Days
Pequeñas Voces (Little Voices), Jairo Eduardo Carrillo and Oscar Andrade, Colombia (animation)
International Critic's Week
Hai Paura del Buio, Massimo Coppola, Italia, 2010 (story could be very interesting)
According to Italian Press (and Twitter) today is the world premiere of Svinalängorna (Beyond), Pernilla August, Sweden, 2010, which is must be seen for me. Viewers comments are talking about how good Noomi Rapace is and I definitively agree.
Interesting News
The Orizzonti section this year is presented in what I call a very not-organized way at the official site but if the presentation is hard to browse, the selection is also hard to watch because of its diversity. So organizers decided to create "Route Maps" to navigate the section. Nevertheless, the thematic route maps become a very interesting classificatory exercise just by the description and films included in each map.
Here are the Ten Possible Route Maps for Orizzonti.
Route Map #1 - The written word: relationship between image and text (narrating voice)
Route Map #2 - Life as a screenplay: the opposite of managerial storytelling
Route Map #3 - The image disturbs reality: Contemporary film animates reality, transfigures it, eludes it, urges it towards unexplored dimensions
Route Map #4 - The animals are watching us: the animal world can be a metaphor for the world of humans
Route Map #5 - Did you say documentary? documentaries have reclaimed the freedom once possessed in the early days of film
Route Map #6 - Documented horror: documentary material, and indeed the very experience of the documentary, may be confused with fictional images. This happens in so-called genre films. In these cases, film incorporates invisible forces: terror, the sacred, the premonition of catastrophes and the memory of those that have already taken place. Without ever betraying reality, the film stages what a screenplay cannot represent. Therefore the documentary becomes a film “genre” of the everyday.
Route Map #7 - So many stories from History: films that have found their starting point in the past, be in recent or distant
Route Map #8 - The geography of dreams: measuring the world, measuring time: film, the contemporary art of the fairytale and the story, the geographical art, ignores chronology or uses it to the benefit of the story.
Route Map #9 - Crisis (in the images, too): inducing artists to conceive for us (us spectators) new ways of understanding, new systems for reacting, new approaches to what might seem illegible to us. Film as a sensitive alphabet, as “gai savoir”.
Route Map #10 - Animation: a genre that percolates the widest variety of approaches, the film d’essai, the experimental film, the documentary, computer graphics, the video-clip.
To read complete Route Maps description plus find the films included in each route map go here.
Serious News
On Tuesday September 7th there will be an International Panel dedicated to Sergio Corbucci, a tribute to a master of Spaghetti Western films. On a lighter note, even if Tarrantino love him, don't think will have time to attend the panel. Read the press release here.
Not Serious News
Gosh, this is unbelievable but UK (and Italian) press are spreading the (very old) news that Sofia Coppola WAS Tarrantino's grilfriend! Yes, they're questioning his impartiality when in La Mostra Tarrantino has so many "conflicts-of-interest".
There was a party organized by Louis Vuitton at Palais Polignac honoring Sofia Coppola and if I don't do my daily visit to Le Monde this party -as well as many others- will go into total oblivion.
Today's Photo
Since yesterday have ready this very nice photo with always beautiful Catherine Deneuve. By the way, isn't amazing that Forbes (yes the business magazine) has an article about Potiche? (!) Strange.

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